Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Many look at the skies for divine intervention but I know you're always here in my heart... The beauty of faith..

I don't need no representative, I don't need no assurance, I don't need to see and believe.. I just need to trust...

School's finally kicked off and the busy term 3 has gone off with a bang... two days have passed and i'm stating to get back into the groove of waking up early and rushing to study and complete homework everyday... I have never loved the time to sleep so much more than these two days.. but there's so much to be done.. blamed largely on the complacent me over the june holidays.. there goes catch up time... 18 weeks to the a's if i'm counting the numbers right.. 18 weeks means 4 and a half more months till the biggest moment of my 3 years in jc... It's time to kick it up a notch.. even if it be the death of me...

The holidays were great.. but now its time to get down to business... before it's too late

It's never written in the stars.. because we were meant to be

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