Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Many look at the skies for divine intervention but I know you're always here in my heart... The beauty of faith..

I don't need no representative, I don't need no assurance, I don't need to see and believe.. I just need to trust...

School's finally kicked off and the busy term 3 has gone off with a bang... two days have passed and i'm stating to get back into the groove of waking up early and rushing to study and complete homework everyday... I have never loved the time to sleep so much more than these two days.. but there's so much to be done.. blamed largely on the complacent me over the june holidays.. there goes catch up time... 18 weeks to the a's if i'm counting the numbers right.. 18 weeks means 4 and a half more months till the biggest moment of my 3 years in jc... It's time to kick it up a notch.. even if it be the death of me...

The holidays were great.. but now its time to get down to business... before it's too late

It's never written in the stars.. because we were meant to be

Thursday, June 24, 2010

HELLO WORLD.. I'm back after not blogging for so many days... I've been busy... with homework? not really.. WITH THE WORLD CUP!.. with the pile of work on my table i really don't know what i'm doing trying to watch the world cup... i just don't have the motivation to get down to doing my work and revising... i really have to now.. this blog should be less eventful when i get revisions underway... the life we live is just crazy...

This week has been eventful.. with father's day just passing and we brought and our uncle to the flier... maths results... driving... and who could forget the world cup... i just don't want school to start next week.. its too quick...


Poker face- Glee
Brilliant rendition of poker face... makes it sound so ballad like...
Glee for the win... can't seem to get my eyes off every episode...


Friday, June 18, 2010

I just miss hanging out with friends..
I wonder when this hectic life of mine is going to end..
I look at my poly friends and sneak a little regret in my heart...
I look at our photos and wished you were there for me...
I look at the pile of work and wonder how in the world i'm going to complete all this in time...
I wonder how I get so caught up with football that i neglect everything that has to be done...
I wonder why everyone says I've got a mature mind when I can't figure what I want to do in my life
I think about the friendship we had and wish it never went awry
I look out the window and wish i was back in secondary school days
I just wish life wasn't this way

I should be doing the crazy amount of homework that's piled of the table right now but i can't seem to get myself to start... I know it takes quite a while for me to get into full gear but when it does i promise you nothing stops me... My friend once asked me "How do you get the motivation to be so good in something?"... I told him "You don't have to look for motivation, motivation finds you"

Now ironically, I can't seem to find motivation.. aimlessly wasting my time watching movies on the net... videos on youtube... surfing news feed on facebook as a form of "de-stressing"... I only know it makes things worse... I'M THE KING OF PROCRASTINATION AND WHEN PUSH COMES TO SHOVES I HOPE I KNOW WHAT TO DO...

Cheryl Cole- Parachute
WHAT? I haven't heard any of her songs before.. but damn this song is good...
"I don't need no parachute baby if i got you... You're gonna catch me, you're gonna catch if I fall, DOWWWWNN!" :)


Thursday, June 17, 2010

Photo's of the previous bowling outing! :)

Just woke up from a nice long sleep... Had a great day yesterday doing nothing much at all... besides driving and printing stuff for shariful... now i feel a little guilty cos i was supposed to clock on 6 hours of revision.. damn i guess i just can't help but slack a little...

John Mayer- Why Georgia
I tried to play this song the way John plays this but HIS SKILLS ARE TOO OFF THE CHARTS I CAN'T KEEP UP... what a talent on the guitar.. just look at the way he plays this song... mad skills...



Wednesday, June 16, 2010

You're just too cute... :)

Hello world! It's raining outside right now and all i want to do is lie down on my bed and fall back into dreamland... but I can't, I've so much things to do, so many things to settle.. and when the rain comes my habit always comes back.. i like to look at the raindrops rolling off the window surface one by one and think about everything... especially you, i remb you don't like to get caught in the rain, I remb how you told lent me your umbrella when I'd have to get wet on that same bus home... I wish i could just turn back time...

I'm going to be driving in about two hours time now and if the rain doesn't stop any time soon... I'm going to be in for a torrid time i predict LOL... I finally passed my gear shifting module so thank God! :)... I don't know but me and coordination just aren't the best of friends... auto gear is giving me a lot of trouble... I'm just a slow learner when it comes to things like that...

I had a great time at the bowling dinner a few days ago on monday where we went to seoul garden to chill... I'm going to miss this cca a lot and the people i've come to know in this cca are just great people.. not for one moment have i regret knowing this bunch of bowlers... :)photos soon, i'm just too lazy to upload...

the amount of work that i have to do is maddening and the amount revision time is also making me feel that this might be one heck of a two weeks coming up.. with the world cup also here, i feel that i have to set my priorities right before i get swept away with complacency again.. i need to pace myself, if not its over...

I did a lot of studying yesterday with steph and sam who left after only a few hours... 6 hours i last counted... and that's great improvement from the zero hours everyday last week ... LOL... i'm starting to want to study now that i've taken such a long break... thank God my engines are finally moving...


Sunday, June 13, 2010

The life I'm living now is so up and down it leaves me no space to breathe.. so far? I haven't passed anything besides gp and my lousy results for econs didn't exactly help me in my self esteem... I thought I could... In this time, like what a dear friend of mine once said, you got to have a little faith in yourself and the things you do... You got to walk with a swagger though deep inside you're put down.... a little faith in the Lord...

Maybe I'm just not made for coordination... my instructor says from the looks of it, i'm a slow learner... I can't seem to get anything thats driving right, though I'm slowly getting the hang of it... looks like if you're good in daytona doesn't mean you're any good in driving a real manual car eh.. HAHAHA reality check 101

I've been enjoying my wind down time this week... But it's time to get the engine humming and all ready to go for the prelims again... it's tiring but what's got to be done has got to be done... it's crucial to know my priorities this time, it's do or die my friends...

Had NS medical on friday with joel, shariful, aaron and boon... and though we wasted our day away just doing this darn ns medical, it was great fun with this bunch of friends.. when we first went to cmpb, we were so afraid we were going to be late and eventually we reached the place which wasn't even named cmpb, it was one of buildings in the compound LOL... suprisingly we met many srjcians there doing the checkup as well... all the hype about the blood tests and how they jab you many times if they can't find your vain actually turned out to be okay... then there was the science experiments where they give you artificial nips for 5 minutes while you lie down helplessly on the bed.. AND OH YES... the IQ test... waited for 1 hour and went in for 3 hours, HOW FUN... :) the fact that I had my besties with me made time past fast


I can't believe i'm posting this at 6am, i fell asleep watching argentina play nigeria... WORLD CUP FTW :)

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

I used to be commander and chief and my pimp ship was flying high till I met that PRETTY LITTLE MISSLE she shot me out of the sky... :)

I listened to this song on the bus just now and it made a lot of sense... lyrical genius kanye west at work again.. He's the slick rick

CRAMPED AT DRIVING TODAY!... which is not cool... who asked a fool like me to play 4 hours of soccer and happen to stumble on the footworking lesson today which required heavy clutch stepping and it almost killed me... lucky at the end i got my leg back and my nerves back and i had a pretty smooth gear two switches....:)
Soccer before that with the sr people was good too... had a fun but extremely tiring time... though i only scored two goals i had a blast.. i'm feeling the after effects now, aches and pains all over... then the buffet lunch and chilling with the wusses.. ITS BEEN A GREAT DAY! :) I WISH EVERYDAY COULD BE THIS WAY...

It's going to be rest day tomorrow.. maybe heading into town for an hour to collect my op documents for the ns checkup... other than that, it's chilling at home which i cant wait to do...:) and maybe get some packing done to this messy room of mine...


Monday, June 7, 2010

With everything if you want to achieve something you can never think about when you're falling down, rather, you should think about when you succeed trying and how happy you'll be then... In my life i've always opted to be the optimist.. even when times are bad even when everyone thinks differently, i'll always be happily optimistic about life... in moments like these, i look up to God and with confidence tell Him I'll do it in His glory... I know at times I may fall down and struggle to come up but i know one day I will climb up...

I feel like I'm loosing my steam, like I've got no more strength to carry on.. but through all my great friends around and all the magnificent teachers... you just have to try and try again... at times i stare into space wondering what would happen if i really chose to give up, but i quickly erase that thought knowing nothing good will come out of giving up....

I appreciate what everyone's done for me and when I look at it all, I don't think I'm doing this for myself, but for those who've pinned their hopes on me...

I cancelled driving lesson today because of school and because i couldn't produce any document i decided to let that 60 bucks fly past.. damn... TOMORROW'S THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL AND I CAN'T WAIT!!! :D

:) the fun we had

Sunday, June 6, 2010


I've never enjoyed any other weekend more than this weekend... school has been verging on crazy with at least two hour long lectures everyday and tutorial lessons and not forgetting driving lessons to add on to how hectic it has been.. HOW IS THIS THE HOLIDAYS, all of us must be asking ourselves.. which goes to show that when you're taking the a levels there is never a thing called the holidays till the exams end... I'm thoroughly enjoying myself through friday night and saturday, catching up on my already lack of sleep and chilling doing nothing at home.. and for the first time in a long time, i feel great just getting to do nothing but chill, playing my sisters new nintendo dsi, watching tv, sleeping in late... enjoy the simple things in life my friends... because when you don't have the time to do them only do you feel their importance...:)

I haven't got most of my results back yet, except gp which I passed thank God...I had a bad feeling about gp especially my paper 2 but thankfully despite my below expectation essay result i still manage to pass :)... chem seemed bleak by the way mr ang talked about it... maths i'm still hopeful for something good to happen... history seemed unpredictable and so is econs... so till i get my results back i'm still hoping for the best...

Enough about the mids... its time to look forward and move along...

School officially ends on tuesday because of my aptly booked medical on friday!! :D I guess this holiday won't be as fun as i imagined.. all the rushed lectures and so much to catch up on... still I won't loose faith as long as the Lord's with me... Looking at where i stand now, i will definitely be screwed if i don't study hard enough... so i better buckle up for the ride of my life cos i know this is not going to be easy at all...

I'm dreading school starting again tomorrow... But looking on the bright side i don't have to go for that dreadful keep fit program in the morning and its just two days left!!!


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

I thought I'd spend some time blogging to get this frustration off my chest... THE HOLIDAY TIMETABLE IS CRAZY!!!!... We have lectures that go on for 2 hours at least and some even for 3 hours.. tutorials that go on for 2-3 hours one shot... and school ends at 4.30 on average... how is this supposed to be good for the mind.. plus, we have morning exercises on mon wed and fri at 7am in school... 7AM... okay i've said my peace and all i want is for the holiday lessons to end soon... this is going to be one LONG week....

I went for my first driving lesson today!... It was only great fun clutching, stalling, accelerating, going one round around the circuit and being the hand over hand natural... the instructor was patient and kind in answering my questions and i had great fun being in the drivers seat.. I can't wait for the next lesson on wed now.. woooooooo driving ftw :)