Sunday, June 29, 2008


like every normal teen.. exams have always been something you dont want.. but when it comes you want it to end fast.. but after that you never want the results to come back.. unless you're some mugger that is confident of all A's..(which im totally not!).. EXAMS ARE FINALLY OVER.. YAYYYYY... but the results are coming also... boooo..

friday was fun... after the exmas were over...all the faces in the exam hall were faces of relief... laurel was particularly happy... after the exam still can say "yes" to me some more.. i think everyone just wanted to burst out of the exam hall.. out of school and enjoy life.. before school starts again...

after bio.. me and leslie wanted to go out... but all the rest in my class couldnt make it... and the dudes from his class.. patrick and kieth said they would go but 'pang seh-ed' us in the end...his friend cynthia couldnt make it also.. so we settled for some pool and snooker after lunch (which was treated by leslie-thanks man-)... i just realised after finally knowing how to play snooker.. that its quite the fun game...need alot of accuracy precision and determination to pot all the balls in... snooker is more of a less skillful sport...then booon hao wanted to play some bowling.. so chionged back home to bathe and take the ball after the game with leslie... and met chad and josh for prata before heading to the alley to meet boonhao... -mmmhmmm... mushroom cheese prata!!-...=P... glutton... then i bowled for like two games and a half... half with this dude from rothiths class and some girl from the arts cohort...i just think that the bowling management is really really lousy.. cos they just switched my ic aorund and let another group into the lane we already booked... it was really unfair... and as cutomers to the alley.. you cant just switch the lanes we book after 10 minutes... what type of service is this...then me boon hao and chad went to lane 2 to bowl...first game was a lousy 92 score.. then the next game came 3 strikes.. and i ended up with 131.. =))..briana and marc bowled beside us but because of some lane failures.. we ended up switching lanes..

half way during bowling.. i recieved a call from si yan..
si yan-"hello.. daniel.. you going for the MGS thing?.."
me-"huh.. what mgs thing?"
after 10 seconds
so i rushed after the second game back home to change and ran over to meet si yan at the mrt station...which was already around 6.45.. and the thing was suppose to start at 7.. x))... so we mrt-ed to little india and then 67 to MGS for the LOVE MGS concert /sermon.. kinda like a praise and worship was quite a nice experience.. really got me reflecting... shagged when we got there...and being without dinner didnt exactly help... im still not used to the expressing yourself in the middle of the songs during the session... but overall it was a fun experience.. learning new songs and hearing the inspirational speech from glenn... =)ALL GIRL BANDS ARE KINDA COOL.. the drummers were suprsingly talented.. and the passion was there... love the epiphone guitar on the last band's lead singer...

went back.. poofffeeedd on my bed after a long long and tiring day... slept till about 12 noon the next day?.. x))

woke up at 12 feeling refeshed and ready to go.. =))so i slacked till round 3 when it was time to leave for swimming!>.. swimming yesterday was fun...20 laps of freestyle... 20 laps of breaststroke... 20 laps of butterfly.. swim unitl your hands pain.. legs pain.. stomatch muscles pain.. =x... then after that.. me and my family went for dinner at the cathay restraunt at none other than the grand cathay... nice meal.. FOLLOWED BY BEN AND JERRIES!!!... haha.. mmhhmmm... sure way to make you fat.. but after such an excercise.. its worth it!.. haha.. had cookie dough.. had choclate mint.. had banana cheescake.. had cookies and cream.. yuuummyyy.. shopped for awhile ar gramophone for some cd-s... bought a gavin degraw and corrine may cd-s.. =)..then i chatted with daren from choir... sherms on the phone for 1 hour.. then because i had a headache.. i crashed onto the bed into a comfortable sleep.. =))

IM STILL DREAMING OF MY EPIPHONE GUITAR... IM STILL DREAMING OF MY FENDER... IM STILL DREAMING OF MY GIBSON... LOL...will it all come true.. only time will tell i guess.. haha.. i thank the Lord for all the caring friends... and i thank sheepie for lulling me to sleep... x)) HAHA.. TILL ANOTHER TIME PEOPLE... GOD BLESS ANF KEEP SMILING.. COS YOU MAKE ME SMIILLLEEE.. =))

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