Tuesday, June 17, 2008


HAPPY DADDY'S DAY TO ALL DADDY'S IN THE WORLD CAREFULLY WATCHING OVER THEIR CHILDREN NOT LETTING THEM FALL.. =) esp to my dad.. i love you daddy.. i know no one ever says that now but i did.. and i mean it.. my dad had been the best.. advising me on life problems.. through the good and bad times he's been there.. love you dad.. you're the best!!.. =)
sunday was daddy's day dinner at lao beijing at velocity.. had alot of fun with my cousins as usual.. and the dinner was a little too silent at first till i up-ed the tempo with a little joke.. lol.. the dinner went on well.. the present presentation went on great!!.. my dad was super touched by the collage we took 1 hour to plan and 2 hours to execute.. glad you like it dad... =) and me my mum and my siblings bought loads of presents for all the dads in the family.. esp my dad of course..and the deserts were..welll.. my cousin said it tasted like cockroach with frogs saliva!!.. it actually s frog saliva glands.. but with almond).. if you dont think it that way it still tastes all right... x)
sunday was also jw... i think we did pretty well this time round.. all right team D!!!.. haha.. i acted as the bumblebee in the skit... some kids thought i was a fairy.. some said i looked like an angel.. ha ha.. oh well i thought it was all round a well planned jw... singing for the fathers also went well.. GOOD JOB GUYS=)

monday was well.. monday was well... well... slack lah... one week to mid years and im still on such a chill attitude..what to do what to do daniel... =/... monday i didnt really go anywhere.. stayed in front of the tv doing econs.. =)) did 2 chaps ok.. great progress... then i literally slacked all the way till 10.00 when i realised i needed to hand in the gp essay by that night.. so i was rushing it out when laurel "miss pok" asked me if i finished also or not.. happens that she also was rushing it out.. x)).. so we chionged together.. encouraging each other online.. (okay she was doing more of the encouraging ok.. i was more of the pessimist).. she got me through and i handed it in at round 12.05... damn just pass the mark but i completed it.. haha..THANKS LAUREL!!.. =)

i woke up at around 8am.. not bad right.. but i plomped back into lala land till around 10..x).. woke up finding nothing but guilt in my mind... i was supposed to chiong studies in the morning but i ended up bringing my com down to the living room all the way till 12.00.. then i bathed and went to macs to meet marcus to studyyyy!!!..=)) studying was pretty ok i guess.. me and marcus just couldnt concentrate.. and guess what happened.. he did 1 qns of maths.. and guess what i did... 5 questions of chem only.. all from 12.45 to 3.45.. the proness of 3 hrs of talking crap and little studying... x))
then we went for a little bowling session.. which ended up quite a good one.. both of us bowling quite good scores til the end i guess.. =)) saw my close pri school friend chris a.k.a cirstiano ronaldo at the alley.. =)) long time since i last saw chris and he's stil as crappy as ever man... saw my pri 4 bestie arron there also.. dye hair and all!!>. couldnt recognise him till marcus pointed him out.. =))
followed marcus to makan followed by developing some photos... then back home some t.v and here i am blogging!!!!.... =)) i just realised that 5 bowling games really makes you shagged...
sorry marcus last minute cancellation.. wanted to follow you all to MOS.. =)) maybe another time man..


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