Saturday, June 14, 2008

famlies back from malaysia.. =))... i missed them so much!!... the house just isnt right without my family members... dads noise... mums nagging.. my bro's complaining... my sisters screams... the house just isnt the same without these things.. sometimes you just wish they were gone.. but after a while you realise that life isnt what it is without the nitty gritty and i really missed the noisy nights.. now that its back yayy.. =)...

they got me this nice keychain gift.. those that reside in the year of the goat listen to this... it says on the keychain... GOAT PEOPLE ARE... ELEGANT(well maybe more for gilrs), CREATIVE(definitely!),WELL-MANNERED(always),TASTEFUL(im always the one with taste =)), LOVABLE(i guess x)), ARTISTIC(scored quite well for art ok), DEPENDENT(im dependent on alot of things), DELICATE(im a delicate kinda guy) its pretty on on its predictions..x))

yf today was awakening.. because when aa said that satan only attacks those who are lazy and lets him get into our minds.. i looked back on myself and im indeed your average lazy laze around kid... thats wy he attacked me with the temptations that im caving into now.. i must change my mindset fast.. i need to set good habits to follow.. i really hope i do well for my mids.. i really do... =/...

oh well i'm going back to study now... and i havent done the fathers day thing on sunday yet!!.. argghhh.. and theres the surprise for my daddy... and theres the photos to be printed.. and theres checking the blind organisations and their phone numbers.. and theres the emailing of the associations... and theres completing the revisions!!.. aarrggghhh so much work to do so little time.. T-T... JC life = no life... ITS BACK TO MUGGING.. TIL ANOTHER DAY PEOPLE.. GOD BLESS AND KEEP SMILING.. =))

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