Monday, June 23, 2008


ECONS ROCKED!!!. GP CONFIDENT!!.. what more can i ask... thank you thank you dear Lord.. i prayed and you answered.. i know that you're still in me and i in you... ill fight the hardest i can.. i trust in you more than anything.. i just wanna say a huge huge thank you to you!!...

ECONS ROCKED.. because all that i studied came out!!.. i was clear on the things that i did on the paper.. and most importantly i finished the essay and the drq!!! woohoooooooooooo... the only question that i totally crapped was the economies of scale question which was just 3 marks... pheeww... if it was a six mark qns ill be emo-ing...x))... but it was great and a C at least for econs i hope...

GP CONFIDENT... because i studied gender pretty thoroughly and it came out easy.. even thouhg majority of the people did gender.. im pretty confident ill pull through... some figures and facts were vivid in my memory.. when i saw that question i immediadtely jumped at it cos i knew i would score..and hopefully i did..=/...

oh well... its over.. now it time to mug maths an pray for the best.. that the Lord will bless me like He did today... ALL THE BEST TO THE REST TAKING THE EXAMS... ESP FELI AMOS SAM JM SY (THE YFERS) SHERMS CHLOE FAB JAY BRY SASH GERM(THE NUMMERS) MY BANDMATES AND THE 1S18 PEOPLE... GOD BLESS AND KEEP SMILINNNGGG =))

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