Monday, May 19, 2008

join the red army... =)

i dont know why im blogging now when i actually should be doing my work... but i cant seem to find any motivation in me to do my work now... bleh...

im tired... tired from all the work and stress.. tired from the hike and the movie right after... tired from all my muscles aching... tired from the work to be completed.. tired on the fact that i still have school tomorow...

but im motivated... motivated to finish all my work so that i dont have to worry about tomrow and spend my breaks trying to finish things like i always do... motivated because you called... motivated because theres one more week to the 'school hols'...

PW group meeting was quite productive today... we watched the movie Ray an autobography on the life of ray charles... he really went through alot this man... to come out so strong as he is... we really can learn to take life challenges by the horns and dare to stand out of the crowd... to not make every single flaw pull us down...

after the awe inspiring tiring hike of 5km plus plus... we went to eat carls junior which wasted all our hiking efforts... and made us gain quite a few x)... then my family decided to go and watch WATCH HAPPENS IN VEGAS... really really funny show... ashton kucher really did a great job on this one... my rating?... 7.5/10... quite a nice watch for all...

i think we really bonded and we really learned alot from each other... the evening service YFERS own and you know it... =))

looking at the coming week ahead... I JUST REALLY WANT THIS TO END!!... so shagged from all the work... so shagged from everything... i need an escape i need a break!... this life is too hectic too busy for me... but i got to take life by the horns and try to cope...

oh well this has been a really random post... my chest is aching and theres PE tomorow.. what to do what to do... well i have to get back to my work... hopefully... =) GOD BLESS PEOPLE... AND CONTIUE TO PERSERVERE BECAUSE LIFE NEVER HAS NO SOLUTION... =)

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