Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Reunion dinner rocked !!... x))

Hey ppl... just back from the reunion dinner and it was ooohh soo fun... =))... we had the usual steamboat and all and i love my dads side of the family... at least im closer to them... and it was sinful from start to end... i couldnt stop frying the teppanyaki wok... and i ended up eating most of the meats and alot of butter... x))so much for trying to resist temptation... then after that me and my cousins chatted on soccer and debating on who's the hotter soccer player.. there were girls there lah... AND CRISTIANO RONALDO WON... woohhooo...ok aside from that we had an absoulutely fun time playing some crazy taboo game and all... fun fun stuff with my cousins who i kno and love... =))... didnt take much pics (oh man i seriously regret).. well till tomorow then... my mums HUGE side of the family coming over... gonna be funn funn and loads more fun with ben emily rachel yi hui and gang... hee hee

off to slack... and stay up watching some family guy episodes...

oh and one more thing... we have to remember especially all the manu fans of the world... the munich disaster ... 50 th anivesary today... the horrible crash which was the huge downfall of the great club of manchester... Man united forever... will forever be reminded of how we were on to glory when it all turned sour... the greatest accident in footballing history... THE MUNICH DISASTER...

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