Saturday, February 16, 2008

HAPPY BIRTHDAY SI YAN!!!... oh man... i dont wanna leave so soon...

heyyy ppl...first things first HAPPY BIRTHDAY SI YAN!!!... today meaning friday of course we celebrated si yans birthday 18 already man... LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL... legal to drive legal to drink legal to watch m18 movies... woohhhooo happy for si yan cos being 18 is great... i also cant wait till i'm 18... the only downside is that you'll have to go to army soon and i hate facing that reality... haix army army army... time where you'll get tekkan for no reason and have to shave ure head bald?... not much to look forward to... x)... cutted the cake... sneaked the ps2 in(of course jm did all the dirty work)... and had a really short yf today cos uncle melvyn was super yf was in quite a full swing cos alot of ppl came... even amos... =)

oh wells... today was quite fun cos it was si yans birthday and one of the lighter more fun days of yf... but but but on a darker more sappy note... i dont want to leave you guys!!!! T-T i dont want to leave.. aahhhh but i have no choice... 2 more days left with you all.. and im gonna make the best of it yah... thanks for the flowers jess and reena... =)they gave everyone flowers...blehs to blehs.. its the loving spirit of all of us thats bringing us together and also driving the teachers up the wall.. heee hee... but what the heck we love each other and will forever keep in contact yah!!....FROM TRUTHS BY TRUTH IN TRUTHS... God bless you all and keep in contact... =)

i have got soooo many things to think about.. going into a new school... meeting new people... settling into a new environment..CJC? TPJC?SRJC?... it depends on where i go to actually... where ever i go... i pray and hope that the Lord will bless me and i'll leave it all in his hands like i always have... thank you Lord for all that you've given me... THE YF'ers... THE NUM GANG... 4E2...THE SAINTS REDEMPTION... THE SPECIAL SOMEONE... =)) its all going for me... thank you... till another day... toorah.. =))

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