Monday, March 3, 2008

IM THE ONLY GUY IN 1S-18!!! ... oh man... suay or lucky?....

SUAY OR ONE HECK OF A LUCKY CHAP... it all comes down to the few weeks to i finally got to meet my class of 1s-18...and i was like sitting beside a row of five girls all from my class and i thought wow still quite safe hopefully got more girls to come... and who wouldve known... girl after girl came filing past me... and finally it got me wondering... where in the world were all the guys?... and when the year head finally started... it occured to me that there was not even one single guy in my class... can you believe that.. not one single guy!!! like the only guy out of 25 ppl in 1s-18... the worlds suayest kid?... or the world luckiest chap?... i have no idea man... maybe its like Gods blessing after 10 years in an all boys class?... im still shocked by today seriously... shell shocked... not sure if to be super happy or super nervous about it all...when mrs ken oh turned to me and told me "Daniel im sorry but youre the only guy in the class"... i immediately said "what???!!! you serious?"...pls pls pary that there's one more guy sick or something and cant make it today... dont make me all nervous about the 2 years... please!!...

todays case in point.. lessons learnt to be seriously careful what you wish for... on the 21st of feb i wrote this post in my blog... "pls pls let whatever class i get into have alot of girls.. pls.. sorry x)"... exactly what i wrote came true... man is that uncanny... not only did i get alot of girls.. i got a whole class of girls..pls let this be a good experience and not a bad one... x)
oh wells... till another day... toorah...from the only thorn among the roses.. and still shellshocked and super stunned at how my combi is a "girls" combi... Daniel here hoping for a better tomorow... =)

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