rain has been pouring non stop the whole day... as i look out the window i think... think of a lot of things... its weird the way rain has a coonection with me.. whenever it rains i just feel surreally at ease with myself.. i think in a clamer manner.. i think of more things...
i thought about if why life was a fairy tale at times.. and a nightmare at unfortunate times... i thought about my friends and how much they meant to me.. i thought about what i would do without my dearest most trusted friends.. i thought about how God created this world so magnificent and perfect... and most importantly... i thought about HER... the things we've been through and the moments that past by in the blink of an eye.. I JUST HOPE TIME WOULD FREEZE..
chilling at home the whole saturday cos my famiy cancelled our plans really made for a good time to chillax, AS WELL AS COMPLETE MY HOMEWORK!.. im done with tutorial 1 part A,B and C now.. and i feel super duper happy!.. im probably going to finish up my binomial tutorial before i take a break.. IM SATISFIED! =))
MANUNITED VS TOTTENHAM!.. carling cup finals tomorow.. highly anticipated... and i cant wait to see all the talented youngsters about to be fielded! =)) GLLOORRRY MANUTD! =)
MAN IN THE MIRROR - KRIS ALLEN love this man!... i seriously find his voice jamie cullen like... COME ON KRIS! =))
Friday, February 27, 2009
i have A LOT of work to do this weekend.. the work and tutorials are slowly but surely coming in... i always find myself lacking in determination... but i try hard...
today was great... played soccer in the morning after wellness with aaron, bh, shariful and some other j1 guys... i thought it was fun to finally play without worrying much about stuff.. lunch after school with bh was good too, though it was kind of sinful to have ljs, but still LOVE THE FRIES!.. then it was bowling with aaron and bh at the alley.. where i hit a satisfying 161 high!... =))
ive been chilling at home from 5 till now.. I NEED TO STOP PROCRASTINATING AND DO MY WORK..!... i'll be heading off to workland after this post...
ITS THURSDAY!.. one more day till the weekends come rolling in... i cant wait to get a break from school... i guess time in school has been passing pretty fast, all because of the fun class im in... i sort of in a way look forward to "suffering" everyday with you guys!.. haha
I'm dissapointed, by a lot of things... the small things and the things that matter...
its uncle geoff's last lesson today before nehemiah takes over as my new guitar teacher... honestly im gonna miss the moments i had with such a great teacher.. he taught me a lot.. and he brought my guitar skills to a higher level.. i honeslty began becoming more intrested in guitar when he started teaching me... ALL THE BEST IN YOUR STUDIES UNCLE GEOFF!.. =)
i didnt get in.. i got pushed out... will I ever be good at this?... i know i try my best.. i know i go every training with a willing heart beacause i plain love this sport... but i know the j1's coming in are pretty strong.. i dont think ill ever be that good... TOP 16, IM NOT EVEN THERE YET..
My guitar string broke... ARRGHHH...
on a happier note.. i finished most of my stuff i inteded to do while "studying" with parthi and petrina waiting for the class to end.. i just have gp to finish and ill be jumping in joy sooner than you think...
on a further happy note... I RAN 3.2 KM!.. woohhoo.. okay i dont know why but i just felt like running after coming back from school.. it was a cool after rain day so it was a magnificent day for running... i finally kicked off my prolonged procrastination of wanting to run.. and not getting forced by my friends to run.. HAHA.. i have self motivation!.. finally.. i was listening to my ipod as i ran and i thought it really blocked off all the frustrations and thoughts that were bubbling in my head... I FEEL GOOD!... endorphins are kicking in..
OKAY I REALLY NEED TO TRAIN HARDER FOR THE SUNDOWN MARATHON!.. =))im so so waiting to test my new asics out cos my nike pegasus is slowly but surely breaking... the sole is wearing off..
OFFERING- PAUL BALOCHE "its only through your mercy, Lord i come.. "
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
these few days have been hard and fast... actually i've just been terribly tired everytime i reach home be it from school, or from going out with friends... its all the same, saps your energy... =))
i have surprisingly found myself ahead of the class on tutorials and stuff... i suddenly feel so smart!.. haha.. so much diffrence from last year, when totally didnt bother about much at all... it was all play.. and yah thats why im here..well i guess only the hard things teach you the most things!
guess what i saw on the way home from bowling training today.. A RAINBOW... a magnifcent beautiful rainbow!.. it was like a banner abover jala hock chye... so being the rainbow fanatic took a few pictures of it mascarading the dark skies behind it... such a magnificent sight... you rarely get to see rainbows this clearly you know... when i reached home i frantically called for my sister and brother to check the rainbow above our house out... =)) you know what this rainbow reminds me of?... it reminds me of our pw project TEAM A STAR!... our cover page was this magnificent clear rainbow.. one of the great beauties of nature.. i miss these three...
16 SENIORS IN THE SCHOOL TEAM.. please let one of them be me.. ive been training hard, trying my best , willing to learn... i really want this..
asics!... just bought my collums yesterday.. and i realsied my feet size is averagely bigger than others.. haha.. =)) TILL ANOTHER DAY.. GOD BLESS AND KEEP KEEP ON SMILING! 1S26= FUN EVERYDAY! =))
you know what?... I WILL NEVER EVER EVER TAKE CAB TO CLEMENTI EVER EVER AGAIN... 20 dollars flew out of my skinny wallet.. now im left with the bare minumum to survive the week... why must the tariffs be so so high!.... and i realised that taking the mrt took 45 mins from kovan to clementi, the same time i took stuck in the traiffic jams with the cab... smart me... but i got my england jersey from daniel tang, kevins friend who owns a blog shop in the end.. and im happy!...
went out lunching with petrina, joel, shuwen,viki, tegoeh, parthi and adam after school... i still hate the stale yoshi veggies.. oh well, school was a blur today.. THE 2 HOURS KILLED ME, murdered me inside out outside in... honestly the rest of the day came past pretty fast... i think our class is slowly but surely splitting into two distinct cliques... and i dont like cliques.. i guess in jc its inevitable.. but people! we have to break barriers!.. lol.. i guess our class is getting along fine and i like this new bunch of friends... i think this class is a pretty bonded class and there are plenty of nutcases also =))
you know something i suddenly miss as i stood on the train looking at the bunch of malay kids trying to play some scissors paper stone game... i suddenly miss chiang mai!! =/ i miss all the kids.. i miss the fun we had.. i miss the time of our lives!.. I MISS YOU ALL!! =(
school past by absoultely fast... playing captains ball in the morning with the class was fun.. my friends were all asking me... "eh dan, you class not bad ah so enthu... come early to play games all" i would of course go "of course lah! whatever class i'm in sure united one what!" yah yah im so ego-istic.. lecture today was absolutely BORING!.. i stoned off to tomorow land halfway through the lecture...
BOOOWWWLLINNG! at 4.30.. but i ended at 12.30... so i ended up slacking off at home.. taking a nice power power nap.. before i went to meet jamie "reeves" and chloe "the magazine" at the kopitiam for a meal... if you thought j1 life sucks... when i looked at those two j2's.. eyebags all showing and looking so so so tired the -im about the die anytime in these few seconds- look.. i pity the two of them... STUDY HARD YOU ALL CAN DO IT!...
BOOOWWWLLINNNG.. was fun.. i got to tune up my skills at the alley.. now im trying on consistent throws and it actually is working!... coach says he's going to select the top 16 guys in the whole team for the a divs.. I REALLY HOPE I MAKE IT!.. im going to train extra hard and gain the consistency i always want..
had a fast game of dinner at home and i chionged off to the 136 busstop to head to church.. met darren and beanie dude at the bus stop.. i apparently look taller when i wear berms... x)) YF was fine.. just the three of us...
Thursday, February 19, 2009
DANNY GOKEY YOURE BRILLIANT! =) "Theres an answer, if you reach into your soul and the song that you know will melt away. Then a hero comes along with the strenght to carry on, and you cast fears aside and you know you can survive!"
Damn, uncle geoffry is going to be leaving for social service and further studies soon... that means that he isnt going to be my guitar teacher any more.. i think he's taught me so so so much.. i want to take this time to thank the guitar teacher that has inspired my life and brought my guitar playing skills to the next level.. really uncle geoff im going to miss a great teacher like you.. =))
I think im handling the workload in school pretty well so far... the stress isnt that high yet.. i pity the j2's and the way they look so tensed and piled up with tests and work.. YOU ALL CAN DO IT.. just BELIEVE.. i have always found believing hard.. its never easy.. today was aboslutely draining and IVE FOUND LOVE FOR HISTORY.. some way or the other.. i think we have great history tutors in SR =)
I MISS TEAM A STAR... X1111100000000000110000... i miss then bucket loads and truck loads.. gay, radeya and pl.. WE NEED TO HAVE AN OUTING SOON.. cos i miss the fun times last year that really epitomised our friendships.. I'LL NEVER FORGET YOU ALL..
GOD BLESS AND KEEP ON SMILING... cos tomorows frrrriiidddaaayyy!!
I MISS THIS CLASS... =)i try my best to not be so sentimental about things but thats just me... i have a soft spot for friends and i think the friends in this class have been dear... 1 year and i got to know most of them... i think i still miss the quiet moments... =)
i know i know "big brothers" watching... i dont plan to defame, flame, kill, murder, mutilate anyone online.. so i have no reason to be afriad.. i just find this more of a hobby.. something i do to record all of lifes memorable events.. and being the lame altruistic person i am i dont like to flame people and their ego's down.. im a nice guy honestly... i cherish every single person.. be it classmate,cca mate, or just a friend randomly met..
1S26 is a GREAT class and i can see myself enjoying much of their company... YAY to s26!
if you enjoy moments alone you're not alone.. i just like to walk alone with my ipod playing on shuffle.. enjoying the trees and taking in life's little wonders... mrs teng said today interstingly.. "its what you do to make it in life... if you can qualify for a jc.. you're capable of an A.. its all up to you"
it is.. it really is.. i remembered last year.. how i stoned slept through the year.. thinking of the weekends and buried deep in the dreamland i once thought of.. i would be so absent minded that would blantantly "forget" to do homework.. one word SLACK would describe it all.. and i paid a huge price... ive changed and come out stronger.. i wont sleep will do my homework and will pay attention for lectures... =)
Monday, February 16, 2009
its those small things that make us happy doesnt it?... when you already finished your work while others are chionging it last minute.. deep inside though not all of us are that saddistic(out loud that is).. we smug in delight cos we're just sitting there slacking.. or when you pass your promo chinese paper D okay!... and you can go home an hour earlier for the day cos you dont have to take mothertongue any more while the rest of your poor j1 friends have to go for chinese... deep inside we all feel so happy.. delighted and ecstatic at these small things.. and its these perfectly small things that makes the day great =))
so far...all my teachers are pretty nice teachers... mr kok has a lot of experience and i think we will go far under his guidance cos i actually listened to every advice he had to give on the pull up bars today.. and it made the guys in our class extremely motivated to pass our pullups!.. our maths teacher looks like a nice guy though a little paranoid at the littlest things... mr tan also seemed like the approachable econs teacher ive been waiting for... =))
RAIN= COOL WEATHER.. and COOL WEATHER= SLEEPY MOOD... im having this really sleepy mood right now... the last episode of heroes in season one is really anti climax.. i didnt expect that one at all...
HAPPY VALENTINES DAY AGAIN TO ALL~~!!... i know i know... you may find me corny or lacking in nothing more than phrases that are used out of a book.. but honestly.. if i could love anyone it would be you.. =) clarke quay was less than private but i thought i tried my best didnt I?...its been roughly 3 months if you spare people of the details... i thought the conversation we had were really heartwarming... you tried to laugh at my not so funny attempt at jokes.. and we had a blast.. the food the riverside the ambience all suited the nice dress you were in.. the efforts you took to make yourself look as pretty as possible.. everyone who saw you would stare back for a second look.. YOU LOOKED WONDERFUL THAT NIGHT =)sending you home felt painful cos i didnt want the day to end...
SUNDAY! last night was GREAT.. but today was inspirational as well.. im sorry amos that i didnt talk much of yesterday today.. cos i felt super sick with my blocked nose and all... but i felt study session with amos before church was pretty good.. I FINISHED PARTIAL FRAC TUTORIAL.. after super long.. i felt my math was still my achilles heel.. as usual me and amos = talking crap all the time... but i had a good time =)
SERVICE TODAY WAS MEANINGFUL.. esp pastor yaps message and sunday school.. it made me think of a lot of things.. the things i tried to hide.. i think i shouldnt any more cos God i all knowing and omni present...i think all else we should trust in Him... this all powerful God deserves nothing less than our honesty and trust... =)) IT CHANGED ME THIS SUNDAY.. THE WAY I THOUGHT OF THINGS..
HAAAAPPPEEEEYYYY VALENTINES DAY!... yeah its officially 12 midnight.. valentines day!.. haha feb the 14th the day of love is beginning =).. love is definitely in the air this year... i'm going to make this day special for you... i know that we've been through the toughest of uncertain times.. ITS A SURPRISE! =)
before i go any further... let talk about thurs!!
THURSDAY!! thursday was by far the best day and the last day of orientation in the two weeks.. our class was high!.. especially the guys..
LONKANG CHEER! "down by the longkang!!.. had a little waaalllkk!... met some COOOMMMPPAAANNNYYY!... had a little talk!... PUSH THEM! HARDER!"
that one was was trademark cheer for the day.. we got hooked on it during house time and decided to cheer it for most of the stations... the whole class was laughing... trying hard to control themselves from laughing as we cheered the cheer... the way we cheered was super funny.. even i couldnt stop letting out my laughter... HAHA
the games were magnificent.. i thought the overall games were better than amazing race and games station combined.. =) the spaghetti walk.. the spider web game.. the marble blindfold game... the know your school game.. the teachers game.. the tracing patrick and gary game.. .were all so so so so fun!!!.. BAIK LAH.. i think cos we were cheering the lonkang cheer while heading to the stations...
THEN CAME THE FINALE!... performances cracked everyone up... stylish catwalks from all the houses... COLLEGE DANCE AND CHICKEN DANCE.. we were all super high.. when the principal came up to tell us we had to do the college dance in order to become srjcians.. and later... he asked us to do the chicken dance cos we were too incoordinated.. SO SO SO MUCH FUN.. we all got high twirling each other around like some mad mad people...I HAD THE TIME OF MY LIFE!!
I HAD SO SO SO SO MUCH FUN! =) ADAMS BIRTHDAY!!.. after orientation... lucky i didnt smash that cake in your face adam! =)) US AT THE WELL!.. haha.. at one of the stations.. =))
i feel that our class became extremely bonded now as a class.. i cant believe im saying this but i think im enjoying orientation more than i did last year man!!.. the highness.. the funny cheers.. the enthuness.. 1s26 its gonna be an awesome year ahead man!! =))
ON A RANDOM NOTE TO THAT SPECIAL SOMEONE! i dont know how close we were like last year.. we've grown that much closer to each other.. whenever you needed me i was just a phonecall away.. whenever you needed a shoulder i was there... i know the stress you're in now... whatever it is.. we've weathered so much... i dont know if smiles matter... but whenever you smile its when the sun rises in my life... =)
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
valentines coming round the corner... love is definitely in the air... dont ask me if i have plans for saturday.. i'll just ignore you... x) but it doesnt neccesarily mean i dont have any plans...
TODAY WAS BORING... the ultimate boring... cca talk pe talk student council talk.. only college dance was pretty okay... danced with samantha at first but i switched in the end... i think the college dance's stuck in the back of my head...=)
YOU REALLY LIGHTENED UP MY DAY... when you called me to say you just plain wanted to talk... your laugh... your voice... the way your lame jokes dont ring a bell... all make me feel so warm inside.. Me -" you dont need to go back to lesson one ah? SLACKER!"
Her- "noooooo... its not i dont have to go back to lessons... its i just dont feel like heading back to that boring old maths tutorial.. thats why i'm hiding in the toilet talking to you!"
Me-"okayokay.. youre the ultimate hide and seek queen.."
Her- "yah you're also the ultimate.. the ultimate king of pointless lame jokes that no one understands!"
okay i thought that really made the day a little less gloomy... =)) oh oh and before i forget tomorow.. A HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY CLASSMATE AND NEW FRIEND ADAM! =) happy 17th man!
I HOPE YOU DANCE- RONAN KEATING magnificent song... enjoy =)it has really meaningful lyrics
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
day 2 of games orientation!!!... amazing race was less that amazing walk actually.. we only ran at the last station at kovan hub.. quite the enthu bunch right.. haha... oh well cant really blame the lot of us... station games were killer..i got to know a feel more people today and i feel surreally proud of myself... the guys i think i more or less know... adam,joel ,tegoeh, track, kiat long, chuan heng,parthi.. we all lunched together today and i have to admit it was great cos the guys were crapping about the "scandals" in srjc... pretty funny how it all turned out... but i think we were talking a bit a bit too loud in yoshinoya...
school was reasonably fun...
after school i wanted to ask some of my og people to go with me to get some earphones.. cos my audio technica's totally right imapared.. no one wanted to go with me.. so i had to ask chloe and sherms who gladly agreed.. =)) saw track on the bus and we had a nice chat.. i realised we have a lot in common... i use left hand to write and the right to play sports.. so does he... haha..
i have to post this cos of the favour they did me.. CHLOE AND SHERMAINE ARE REALLY NICE PEOPLE.. ALL GUYS WILL FALL FOR THEIR KINDNESS ,GENEROSITY AND OF COURSE, GOOD LOOKS... (okay i didnt type that one out)
44 bucks for a new pair of headphones!!.. i still stick to my fave affordably good audio techs!!.. =)brown earphones rule the world.. i just tested the sound quality.. EXCELLENT.. =)lucky im a member of challenger... i had a 6 buck discount!!.. baik..
tomrows a whole bunch of talks.. so theres only one thing to look forward to.. COLLEGE DANCE.. got sabo-ed up to do the dance today by my 'kind' OGL and classmates... i found i was acutally a sucky dancer though chris and yixian had my back..
KATY PERRY - HOT N COLD... addictive song.. really destressing and dance-along-to kinda song! =)) love love it
HAHAHAH.. orientation was oh so fun!... it was total mayhem out there... games orientation always brought out the enthuness in me... and honestly.. our class i felt was super high today.. everyone of us enthu and high.. and i think it really brought out the class spirit... really feel like this is going to be one heck of a year with 1s26! =)
station games was what we did today... i couldnt remember ALL that we did... cos there were 10 stations in total..
CATTERPILLAR WALK -totally killed my arms... cos we had to push ourselves forward with our arms and the leg over leg thing wasnt the most comfortable.. and super gay.. haha
BODY PARTS -had to connect the body parts to each other.. the same we palyed in camp aspire.. fun honestly fun...
PLUG THE LEAK - i thought that one was fun in a way.. we were so united... all thanks to the enthusiasm the guys brought out to the field... joel with his shoe to hold the water... it was a great sacrifice for the good of the team =)
HOSTAGE GAME, ENTANGLED, SELFLESS BLINDFOLDING, PINGPONG BALL GAME(that one was super hard!), ANIMAL SOUNDS GAME.. I think theres one more.. but i totally cant remb what it was.. haha...
these games i felt were really class bonding.. and i thought it really brought out the class in us... FEELS LIKE SR AGAIN... the highness without ever thinking of the consequences.. those were the days.. haha..
JOEL, ADAM,SAMANTHA, WEN JING , CHUAN HENG.. some of the names i remembered.. but i totally cant remb the rest!.. haha... i guess we'll get to know each other a lot a lot more in time to come.. esp this week... and surprisingly.. everyone knows my name.. ALL THE OGL'S fault.. all keep calling me up for stuff... x)) when half of them are my classmates they know i can get high pretty easily...
tomorows amazing race! pegasus BAAAAIIIKKK.. its literally fate in the making... last year OG -PEG, CG-PEG .. this year OG-PEG , CG -PEG.. i cant believe in back in pegasus again and loving it! =))
2009 an 1s26 seems to be going off fine!... the guys in my class are a pretty friendly and high bunch.. and the girls look pretty okay too... our ct also quite a nice teacher.. 1S26 BAIK!.. loosing my voice now and i hope i dont loose it totally tomorow man
its been a year of blogging!!... i just realised.. 5th FEB was when i first officially started blogging on blogger... its been one eventful year... full of ups and downs and emotional highs and lows... i wanted to change my blog skin but im dead lazy to even bother... HAHA =)
FRIDAY! the most intersting part on friday was when it all ended... YF that day was diffrenet.. because we talked about the issue where other churches speak in toungues.. it got me curious about tongues.. if it is to glorify yourself cos only you understand it.. then why do it.. and really speaking in tongues will make me feel like im in some kind of demon based cult... OKAY ENOUGH of the serious stuff...
SATURDAY! saturday passed weirdly fast... had breakfast with chad followed by a study session which lasted round 2 hours?...i was half stoning and half trying to do my math tuition stuff and read up on the john sloman econs text.. we gave up.. ARCADING was the result after furiously giving up waiting on the pool shop to open its doors... tuition went by fast and it was way more interesting cos i did my stuff and i felt so so hardworking x)) then the pointless attempt at the expo to que for the nike sale.. YES QEUE FOR THE SALE.. apparently it was too crowded in there.. early dinner and i was back home slacking and reading some new moon to pass time...
SUNDAY! LAO HEI DINNER at the DRAGON PHEONIX RESTRAUNT at novotel... =)) FAMILY PHOTO... i like this photo the best! =)) oh well the dinner was a blast... i got to talk to kelly about jc life and advicing her not to take chinese if she can choose not to.. she looked totally tanned and full of school spirit.. reminds me of me on the first week of games orientation last year.. was so rah rah that i almost died.. haha
GONNA GIVE IT MY ALL THIS YEAR.. orientation tomorow is going to be great!... games finaly after one week of "academic fun".. spot the sarcasm... cos joanna says im a nice person dont look sarcastic.. not bad right... sorry voice.. i dont think you're gonna last the whole week..
theres one more day.. ONE MORE DAY TO GO THROUGH.. and this academic orientation is finally over!!... sample lecture after sample lecture today.. i only found economics which is my fave subject vaguely intersting.. the rest were bleh-ish... i think the guys in our og are a nice bunch of people.. got to know dian, nicholas, jason, jonathan and andreas the most out of all the guys.. one thing good about being a retainee.. THEY ASK ME FOR ADVICE AND THEY LISTEN.. haha... i dont really know the girls in my og... pretty quiet bunch of girls... hard to get to know people if theyre that quiet i guess.. michelle is probably the only person i can get along with...
LUNCH WITH AMOS STEPH AND KEVIN today... i thought it was good to finally get to see amos and steph and talk crap about the food we eat.. no matter how innocent the ICE CREAM was.. it had to become the dirtiest thing ever... lucky my waffles not that exploited.. x)).. i found out that im spending my water like money and i shouldnt ever do that... cos im suppose to save money... 14FEB'S COMING!.... lol
i met chloe at serangoon gardens ask her to hop on 136 since she was there with her SA people... we had the conversation about how guys in her school are extremely extroverted and tooo open.. till its scary.. and i told the guys in my school are juust two types.. too scared or too daring.. and the people in the middle are the minority.. i guess im just swaying towards the extroverted bunch... cos im that way.. HAHA
DANG.. my audio technica's scrweing up.. i think its the way i twirl my headphones up.. now the right sides a little cranky.. on off sound esp when i move it.. i need some new headphones... MONEY DOWN THE DRAIN.. again.. talk about saving money..
COLDPLAY- VIVA LA VIDA... brilliant song =)
INTRO: C - D - G - Em x2
(Em) C D I used to rule the world G Em Seas would rise when I gave the word C D Now in the morning I sleep alone G Em Sweep the streets I used to own
C - D - G - Em x2
(Em) C D I used to roll the dice G Em Feel the fear in my enemy's eyes C D Listen as the crowd would sing: G Em "Now the old king is dead! Long live the king!"
(Em) C D One minute I held the key G Em Next the walls were closed on me C D And I discovered that my castles stand G Em Upon pillars of salt and pillars of sand
C D I hear Jerusalem bells are ringing G Em Roman Cavalry choirs are singing C D Be my mirror, my sword, and shield G Em My missionaries in a foreign field C D For some reason I can't explain G Em C D Once you go there was never, never an honest word Bm Em That was when I ruled the world
C - D - G - Em x2
(Em) C D It was the wicked and wild wind G Em Blew down the doors to let me in. C D Shattered windows and the sound of drums G Em People couldn't believe what I'd become
(Em) C D Revolutionaries wait G Em For my head on a silver plate C D Just a puppet on a lonely string G Em Oh who would ever want to be king?
C D I hear Jerusalem bells are ringing G Em Roman Cavalry choirs are singing C D Be my mirror, my sword, and shield G Em My missionaries in a foreign field C D For some reason I can't explain G Em I know Saint Peter will call my name , C D never an honest word Bm Em But that was when I ruled the world
C - Em x3 D x2
C - D - G - Em x2 (Ohhhhh Ohhh Ohhh)
C D I hear Jerusalem bells are ringing G Em Roman Cavalry choirs are singing C D Be my mirror, my sword, and shield G Em My missionaries in a foreign field C D For some reason I can't explain G Em I know Saint Peter will call my name , C D never an honest word Bm Em But that was when I ruled the world
C - D - Bm - Em and fading... Oooooh Oooooh Oooooh
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
baik baik baik~!!.... cheer until voice soar... i think so far in this less than fun academic orientation.. today came the fun part... COLLEGE ANTHEM DANCE AND CHEER!!.. haha.. when we entered the hall.. pretty rahrah..i liked this atmosphere... makes things all the more fun... the dance was tiring even though i realised i completely forgotten all the steps in the dance after one year.. haha.. tiring trying to dance the dance for half an hour...
the SP students were all super rahrah today.. all of us trying like mad to shout our heads off... we're really attention seeking people i guess.. but like what alton said.. it all made for a really fun day... SP SP ALL THE WAY! =)... we were retardedly cheering at the back and in the centre of the hall.. singing the school song as passionately as we could.. i think SP is the new rahrah attitude... haha..
i screamed and cheered my head off.. cos thats what i am.. always the enthu person in the group.. i think my grp tried their best.. no one was slacking... x))THE BEST THING IS.. we ended at 12.30!... haha
HONESTLY CANT WAIT FOR GAMES WEEK... its gonna be a whole lot of fun... sample lectures tomorow and honestly im not exactly looking forward to it...
thinking of buying a new BALL.. bowling ball lah.. what were you thinking.. a few bowling balls caught my eye... CELL PEARL(EBONITE)... TWISTED FURY DESTRUCTION(BRUNSWICK)... THE ONE PEARL (BRUNSWICK)... RATTLER (EBONITE)... aaarrghhhh i dont know but they all seem to be very good in rev speed and backend hooking which means i dont to rely too much on my arm to hook the ball... =)) hope its within my budget though..
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
viscously viscous... what was weird was i tried to advice the new j1's.. or rather they asked me for some advice the ppl in my og on what to take.. i guess the guys are easier to get along with than the girls... cos we all like to crap a lot... i told them.. do what you do best.. JUST DONT TAKE H1 BIO!.. haha.. sorry if im getting the wrong idea but bio was what killed me last year.. the heaviest h1 science subject... DONT TAKE H1 BIO!!..
oh yah and something funny the group people or rather those that attended the council meeting thing to psycho ppl into council... they told me that they psycho them like mad... like trying to suck their brains out.. ROFL.. was it that bad... the best advice i could give them was.. "if you really want to join council... YOU NEED TO HAVE 36 HOURS A DAY.. NOT 24 NOT ENOUGH"... seriously...
its funny how the freshies are starting to loosen up.. at the start they really reminded me of myself.. so quiet and all.. refusing no matter how hard the teacher tried to answer questions... haha or even ask them.. it was like 1s18 at the start of orientation.. all dont know each other super quiet... but as the year went pass.. even though to the teachers we were still pretty quiet.. our true colours showed!.. haha..
COLLEGE DANCE AND CHEER TOMOROW.. finally something that i can be enthu in.. the lectures and talks made me fear sitting on the floor... now i got FEARTHEFLOOR SYNDROME.. scared to sit on the hall flooor alreay... lol... honestly ive been trying my best to make some new friends and i hope they last... =)
TILL ANOTHER DAY PEOPLE.. i finally got my new GO! card!.. and i deposited all my angbao money so im cashfull!.. haha... okok im super happy for no reason and some reason all the same.. GOD BLESS AND KEEP ON SMILING =)
TOTALLY TOTALLY BORED OUT OF MY SKIN... my orientation group was less than lifely.. i mean if you meet new people i think thats pretty much inevitable... YY and keith were my ogls.. they tried theyre best but i dont think the rest tried their best to get to know one another... i tried talking to a few people... the montfort dude in my group was the first one i talked to.. he gave me super short responses.. and i ended up not knowing what to talk to him about... i guess i made one new friend today... michelle!... yah i think we have a lot in common and she's a pretty nice person to talk to.. but other than that.. i think my groups more or less opening up especially through those acronym games which miss happy hiyati put us through...
THE SPEECHES AND TALKS.... AARRGGHHH THEY KILL... lucky i foud someone to talk to.. lucky i made a friend in my OG.. tomorows gonna be more "fun"... subject talk after subject talk.. at least we end earlier than today... which is a positive...
E8! you guys better start opening up... or we'll all die of boredom.... roooaarrr... i thought i got to know more people today.. but i was stoning off most of the time.. oh well.. cant blame me... FRIDAY COME QUICK!
went to watch INKHEART on saturday... imagine you had this gift.. SUPER SUPER COOL... every time you read a story it just came through... this movie... was great.. 8/10... SHADOW WAS ABSOLUTELY COOL =))