Monday, March 16, 2009

my 200th post.. on 12 midnight!..haha... anyway... todays a tiring tiring day for some strange reason.. i slept once in the afternoon for round 2 hours... fell asleep just after i turned on the com.. for 1 hour.. i dont know why but ive been feeling tired spells here and there.. im supposed to be studying and doing my work... but its the march hols!... LOL.. okay i dont think its an excuse..

I'm happy today for many reasons...
1)I slacked the whole day!
2)I slept ALOT the whole day!
3)I thought dinner with my family was fun as usual
4)Friends always make me happy
5)Your retardedness made my day
6)Church made me reflect on things i shouldve thought of

I'm so violently happy, but at the same time violently wanting to sleep.. i dont know why...but sleeping ftw!...x))

ohhh CONGRATS! to shuwen and viki for getting into the touch rug school team... haha shuwen! prata's on you.. =)) they must be in some sort of tired but ecstatic mood now..

AND, kofee tried to not know her!... hahahah ROFL.. the extent of this story never seems to amaze me... you have to tell me you have to tell me!.. hhaha

these dudes cracked me up man!... they are ROFL funny!!...
watch this and you would seriously want to watch more... they try hard dont they!.. hahhaha... it made my day.. honestly... my cousin showed this to me while we were palying monopoly in my room.. x))


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