Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I FINISHED MY ECONS ESSAY!!.. haha, yah i know im getting high just by finishing one econs essay... its just a great accomplishment.. and to do it in school in 45 mins!.. thats what made me happy!...

I'm just tired, got home after a LONG DAY in school.. followed by guitar lessons after that.. i admit that guitar lessons was interesting, i got to learn power chords and actually got down to learning to memorise and to play them properly... nehemiah is starting to make a lot of sense now... but i think that though he's only a few years older than me, his chord switching and guitar skills are top class... =))WHICH MAKES ME SLIGHTLY JEALOUS!.. haha

i think having friends by your side in jc life is the most not noticed yet crucial to help you through this riguourous system.. someone to make you laugh.. someone to make you smile... someone you can talk to when youre on the verge of a stress rage..someone whose irrelevant and random comments lights a smile on you face... someone to comfort... its these little things that fill up the life i'm in now.. honestly i didnt ever regret switching combination from bio to history... if i did stay in my combi, i wouldnt be in 1S26!... the class which brings life in the dull times and jokes in the stressful moments...

Class bonding isnt an easy thing for me to do... and i guess in all classes a hard affair for the person who wants the class to be A CLASS... its not as if we're not friendly people..but i feel the class is slowly but surely splitting into three whole divisions... i know im from a guys school where the "all for one theory" stands strong, but i know this class can be more united than we are now... maybe "ideological differences" seperate the bunch of us... but we're all one sometimes and parting the next... I REALLY DONT KNOW..

MARCH HOLIDAYS ARE COMING!!.. which makes me soo soo soo happy... i know we're still gonna have lectures on mon tues and probably wed... which makes me a less happy man.. but I NEED A WELL DESERVED BREAK!.. ive been slogging my heart out since classes officially started... =))if slogging means doing my homework and studying for tests, then yes, slogging is the word!.. haha

OHHH before i forget.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY FELICIA TAN!.. its the third time im wishing you a happy birthday.. once on sms, one on facebook and one on my blog... i know youre reading this... and if youre taking a tissue out to wipe your tears cos you're overly touched.. ill understand!.. HAHA.. wishing you a blessed rest of your 18 birthday!... 18 18 18 18 18 18 18~! ITS A NICE NUMBER!.. =) and i hope you get your british accent back!

misty mania!... haha okay that was r a n d o m
look up!... -stares at the ceiling wondering whats up?-
gg-fied... thats what you all said after maths!
smiles... was all it took to make me happy


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