Wednesday, February 4, 2009

baik baik baik~!!.... cheer until voice soar... i think so far in this less than fun academic orientation.. today came the fun part... COLLEGE ANTHEM DANCE AND CHEER!!.. haha.. when we entered the hall.. pretty rahrah..i liked this atmosphere... makes things all the more fun... the dance was tiring even though i realised i completely forgotten all the steps in the dance after one year.. haha.. tiring trying to dance the dance for half an hour...

the SP students were all super rahrah today.. all of us trying like mad to shout our heads off... we're really attention seeking people i guess.. but like what alton said.. it all made for a really fun day... SP SP ALL THE WAY! =)... we were retardedly cheering at the back and in the centre of the hall.. singing the school song as passionately as we could.. i think SP is the new rahrah attitude... haha..

i screamed and cheered my head off.. cos thats what i am.. always the enthu person in the group.. i think my grp tried their best.. no one was slacking... x))THE BEST THING IS.. we ended at 12.30!... haha

HONESTLY CANT WAIT FOR GAMES WEEK... its gonna be a whole lot of fun... sample lectures tomorow and honestly im not exactly looking forward to it...

thinking of buying a new BALL.. bowling ball lah.. what were you thinking.. a few bowling balls caught my eye... CELL PEARL(EBONITE)... TWISTED FURY DESTRUCTION(BRUNSWICK)... THE ONE PEARL (BRUNSWICK)... RATTLER (EBONITE)... aaarrghhhh i dont know but they all seem to be very good in rev speed and backend hooking which means i dont to rely too much on my arm to hook the ball... =)) hope its within my budget though..


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