Wednesday, May 28, 2008

onward mugger spirit!... HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANGELA! =)

back back back to blog! =))... well havent been up to much these past two days except lessons lessons and more lessons... nothing much to say about yesterday... or rather i dont wanna say anything about yesterday... it really was a waste of time to be honest...

today?... well today rocked!... cos it was great fun and i was quite on form at cca as well.. =) lessons till 1 meant that we could go for lunch to celebrate ANGELA'S BIRTHDAY!!..HAPPY 17TH ANGELA... had alot of fun in macs with my classmates.... then they froced me into bending on one knee to fake a proposal with lollipop flowers... IN MACS!... MACS CROWDED WITH THE LUNCH CROWD...A MACS FULL OF SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS AND TEENS OF OUR AGE... you know how embarrasing that was?... but i did it any way=)... hope she had a memorable birthday... angela said that was the first time her friends ever celebrated her birthday for her... and i seriously hope she's touched... all the sacrfice..x)).. i realised im clicking really well with my classmates... ill never ever forget 1s-18.. =) the photos will probably be upoladed tomorow... hopefully... and a video i think... x))

well today was quite the nice day... cos i thought i could finally understand a whole maths lesson for once.. i thought mr jonathan taught really well!... econs lecture was great as well..maybe only for the second part when mr faye took over.. i laughed till i couldnt laugh anymore... makes econs lecture oh so intersting... chem test was oookkkaayyy... i think i can pass it... i hope... bio was as usual...

ME AND CHAD ARE GONNA GET OUR NEW BOWLING BALLS BY THIS FRI!!... I CANT WAIT... WOHOOOO... BOWLING IS A PART OF MY LIFE NOW... cca was fun to be honest... bowled quite well today... averaged past hundred every game.. =))... some fire in the bowling alleys today... germayne and kleff.. i hope they patch up...


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