Saturday, July 17, 2010

EXCUSE THE EXPLETIVES IN THE PREVIOUS SONGS... I didn't know this was the more "vulgar" one... but still it has a great tune to it...

I remember the times where we didn't have to worry about anything and I look back and wish i was back then... even last year, it was evenly paced and rest in between was plentiful... NOW, what is my life turning into... I'm even starting to doubt i have a life.. i'm just a routine robot trying to fit into this cruel education system we inherently have to handle... i now know what everyone means when jc2 life kills you.. i'm experiencing this painful process which i try to sugar coat by telling myself i enjoy studying...

YF today was all about idols and placing God as a priority in your life... Looking back at what we discussed today.. something dawned on me that haven't struck me in a long time... I, most of the time tend to look to God only in adverse situations... I don't know what's gotten into me but I find myself drifting away from him like a driftwood floats away from the branch of the tree it came from... the tides are strong and hard as I may try, the factors in play always make it hard... but my faith and beliefs should anchor how i live my life... STAY STRONG I'VE GOT TO STAY STRONG

THIS WEEK HAS BEEN MADDENNING... One day when i was walking home down that ususal alleyway to my house.. i looked up front at the big old tree towering over the school and my house and started wondering if i continue like this, i would go bonkers or not..sometimes in shows, people vent their frustrations by screaming at the top of their lungs on the rooftop or on the seashore, i sometimes need that kind of release, because life like this is tiring...

I'M DETERMINED TO DO WELL THIS TIME ROUND... if coming back home will only lead to procrastination, staying in school no matter how tired may just help me to clock enough hours to do well for the prelims.. in just 4 more weeks, time passes way too fast...


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