Sunday, January 17, 2010

Life's been extremely hectic these few days.. especially coming into the first week of school.. I've been getting alot less sleep.. from the usual 10 -12 hour sleep time in the holidays.. to the 6 hour sleep time now.. my body's still trying to adapt to that change and i'm feeling extremely tired.. especially over the weekends i really crave rest for the nights that i tried to study, for the nights that i tried to do some work... I'm liking the class this year.. even though we've known each other for only about one week i feel the ice starting to melt among us and all of us starting to warm up to each other..

I've got a feeling that at times when we want to people to think otherwise, we act very much the way we feel more instead of masking that feeling.. especially in the nervous way we talk when we're around a person we like.. or out facial expressions, like when we're irritated or dont like someone, your face just tells it all.. it doesnt hide what you actually feel even when words can... often have i thought about life and its meaning and wondered just why am i putting myself through all this.. but it turns out to be great.. because what science cant explain is God.. and without him life would never be so fufilling and great...

I'm a person who loves to hang out with friends over a meal or just sitting around chatting about things that come to mind... those kinds of things warm my heart.. those kinds of things make me happy.. its times like these in a pressure cooker like system that you've got to have friends every step of the way... :)

When our paths collided on that road.. You were heading one direction and I the other.. You gave me that sweet smile that I missed and tried so hard to forget but simply cant... You have this power to make time stop.. to bring all things into a bubble of space... i had to ask you how you were, i had to walk you back home cause i didnt feel safe leaving you alone... now i cant forget it.. now i cant tell you how much i still felt for you... I just have this natural instinct to protect you just because i dont want to see that beautiful smile of yours turn to a frown, or protect your fragile frame from harm... IM JUST TOO WEAK..

TILL ANOTHER DAY PEOPLE! GOD BLESS AND KEEP ON SMILING!.. (p.s to steph- all the best for your CT's tomorow!!! will be praying for you ;D)

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