Tuesday, December 28, 2010

If you thought I had gone here I am again!

Finally I can take time off after the trip to Europe and Dubai, Christmas presentations and getting over my jet lag which has been making me fall sick of late to do a blog post :)

I just got back from Europe only a few days back and the experience of Europe and the friends I made on this trip will never leave me. Even though we were led by the most inexperienced tour leader of the decade, it was surely an eye opener everywhere I went. We have to count our blessings our family and thank God for watching over us every step of the way through the trip in Europe. Many were praying for us in church and worrying whether we could come back in time but the truth is we were on schedule every step of the way. Despite tragic and relentless snow in Europe we survived!

Let me start with day 2 since i already narrated on day 1 when we touched down in Paris at charles de goeh airport, we were greeted to not that fantastic a sight. Like my dad said, for a developed country and state france didn't seem to have the most impressive of airports.

Day 2 in paris was far more different. I could now see Paris for what it truly had been known as the romantic city. It's ancient architecture and the many historic places that we visited on that day really made me start to love this city. We first went to the Arc De Triomphe in Paris, though there wasn't much insight into the history of this ark but the intricate carvings and details that were engraved made it so grand in the middle of a bustling city square.

Then we went on to visit the Eiffel Tower. Apparently, what was interesting about the tower was that the early Pariseans actually thought it was an eyesore and wanted to demolish it, now it has become an icon and one of the places to visit in the world, how ironic. Which leads me to think that if they were really to demolish it, would anyone still know Paris as it is today? To see the tower first hand really is an eye opening experience, though it was dampened by the many frenchmen trying to sell their goods to us at a low price. The view on top of the tower was breathtaking and you could see the whole of Paris from up there.

After lunch we went down to the best art museum in the world, the Lourve museum in Paris. When you step into the museum you stare in awe at the gigantic glass pyramid hanging from the ceiling and judging from the crowd you would know that this was a great museum visited by the old and young alike. Then you go and view so many artifacts and paintings and statues of Greek Gods, the old testament, nativity, kings and fights of the past and you wonder how these people did it with such intracy and detail. It never ceases to amaze me how when I look at each picture it tells so many stories. Though the descriptions are all in french you always just try your best to analyze the things you see, it was a great experience honestly. Walking around such a large museums could give you new leg muscles too.

I'll write about the other days of my european trip another time.

Before I end of this post would like to wish everyone a BLESSED CHRISTMAS! I know I know its already past christmas but still it's the most important date of the year you know!... I had a wonderful christmas this year with family and friends, I don't know about you but as I grow in age I start to want less and i prefer spending time with those I love rather than receiving gifts. The best gift is already with those who believe, Jesus.


Monday, December 13, 2010


Hey world, I just touched down not long ago over in Paris after such a long flight on sunday morning at 930 for about 14 hours with a stop over at dubai in between. I was extremely excited all throughout the trip about the possibilities about what there is to explore in europe. It has always been a dream of mine to come and explore europe and to for this dream to be able to come true so soon makes me feel even more blessed than before. I watched movie after movie to pass the time on the emirates plane while on the way here and now looking at my sister's laptop its already 6am in the morning on monday in singapore, here in paris, its just around 11 plus on sunday. Talk about jet lag, now I don't have much of a mood to get to sleep, maybe it could be due to the many cups of coffee i unknowingly drank during the flight. Apparently all that hype came to waste when i first stepped out into the cold chilly weather that blew bombs of cold into my usually warm skin, these are the times when i don't like the cold. Paris like my dad said isn't as impressive as it seems at first sight at least. All I saw on my way to the hotel were dim lights that lit the streets and empty shophouses all closed for the day, even singapore seemed like a more enthusiastic place. Maybe we just were to far way from the city to see the beauty of paris,excited as i am, i just hope it'll be great tomorrow:) I'll upload the photos if this computer allows the hard disk to read.

You know what's still constantly on my mind?
Life without Jesus is like a donut, like a donut, like a donut!

Bonjour everybody bonjour, updates tomorow!

Friday, December 10, 2010


Just got back from the retreat not long ago and wearing this t-shirt now in the comfort of my bedroom thinking about what has happened over the past week is already making me start to miss how fun camp was and how great it was organizing it all. It wouldn't have been possible without this yf comittee and all those who helped greatly and most importantly God who kept us safe throughout. I realized a lot of things in my life required change and one most important thing in my life that needed correcting was that I wasn't putting God in the spot light. I learnt a lot about the relationships we had with other christians and perspectives about many other aspects of christian living. This camp brought me so many reflective moments and to have it with my great yf buddies was even better.

I'm going to miss all that was great at the retreat!
The playing soccer with a small rubber ball in chapel 1 with the soccer gang.
The running around and playing all day and not forgetting embarassing ourselves with dots on our faces in town.
Playing monopoly deal in the middle of the night and at every break.
Not sleeping on the last day for the sake of a memorable video.
Stationing and participating in games.
Having fun with awesome friends.
Spending so much great moments with God.

If it was one lesson I took away from this retreat that meant the most to me, it was that these great brothers and sisters in christ all have my back and I don't ever need to worry!

So as i count down to another journey to Europe on Sunday morning which is making me all excited inside already, I pray that it'll all be smooth sailing and God may grant me and my family journey mercies.


I'll keep this space updated everyday when I step into europe as much as possible. Like a boy stepping into a candy store, I'm finally going to the country's that I've only seen in documentaries on the tlc channel. I CAN'T WAIT :D


Monday, December 6, 2010


It's been a while but I'm here to update life's story.

PROM 2010: HOLLYWOOD, just passed on friday and I got to say it was great to be able to meet the friends that I hold dear to with good food and good entertainment. This official last night of JC life really will make me remember this life changing JC experience for the rest of my life. Sure the education system is a pressure cooker that aims at killing those not prepared to slog it out, but it sure made me a more confident, mature and sure person, where would I be without friends who've brought me this far :)This prom night may not be the most dazzling of affairs but I'm sure everyone made the effort to dress to impress. If it wasn't for such great company it wouldn't be that great a prom would it. Pictures can express a thousand words so i guess i'll let the better pictures do the talking, picked out after so many taken that night.

These pictures are of great friends I've made in my JC life. It's been a great journey, really has been.

You know what pastor said today during sermon struck a chord in me. Today pastor talked about how christmas was over commercialized and is loosing its true meaning in the world today. How true that we all take for granted what this season is all about, it should be about God and how he sent His son to this earth for our sin. Not about gifts, presents, christmas trees and santa claus. It's good to have a season of giving but should we all just go back to where this all originated from and remember Jesus our saviour? I'm sure all these things make you feel warm and fuzzy inside and christmas is a happy season, but more often than not we forget of all the things He has done. This christmas , amid the turkeys and the log cakes, mistletoes and santa claus, presents and christmas trees, the glittering night sky full of spirit and decoration, we shine the spot light back on Jesus Christ.